Letter to Pastors and Churches

This letter is being distributed to pastors in Montana by Prolife Montana. It contains valuable links to information about CI 128

Dear Pastor,

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born, I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5 ESV

The Lord’s message to Jeremiah speaks powerfully of His role as our Creator with a unique plan for each of our lives. Unfortunately, God’s image bearers here in Montana are being killed at an alarming rate, and the dark cloud of abortion is quickly bearing down on our beautiful state. You see, if CI 128 succeeds in getting on the Montana ballot and passes in November, it will permanently enshrine abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, including partial birth abortion, into our State Constitution.

The abortion industry has already been successful at accomplishing this goal in a number of states, and Ohio was the most recent state to enshrine abortion into their constitution. Research on church voting in Ohio showed the following:

90% of Pro-Lifers voted NO, but 92 % of Pro-Choice voters voted YES,

52% of Catholics and 50% of Baptists voted YES,

54% of Episcopalians/Lutherans/Presbyterians voted YES,

41% of non-denominational attendees voted YES,

31% of weekly church attendees voted YES and

77% of “Never” church attendees voted YES.

It is easy to see that if Ohio church attendees had voted to reject their initiative, it would have been easily defeated. Is Montana going to follow the precedent already set in Ohio and other states? I certainly hope not! I realize there are those who would say abortion is “political” so the church shouldn’t get involved!! Wouldn’t the enemy be ecstatic if he could silence the church on every moral and spiritual issue? I think we all recognize that the real solution to abortion is when the Holy Spirit reveals the truth of the humanity in the womb to every Montana citizen. In the meantime, if our efforts can save the life of even one of God’s image bearers, is it not worth it? On behalf of the preborn, I’m asking you to do the following:

PRAY: Prayer is our most powerful weapon in this spiritual battle for life. Schedule specific prayer times for your congregation to come together in prayer to hold back the forces of evil. We must be specific and intentional in our prayer efforts.

EDUCATE: Make sure your congregation knows about the problems with this initiative. Here is a link to a flyer CI 126 6 Things you can print out for your congregation as well as links to messages from the Montana Family Foundation.

Abortion on the Ballot in Montana - The Family Matters Podcast

Did You Know


Let the Battle Begin..


The Devil’s in the Details..


GET INVOLVED: Volunteer with those organizations actively working to educate voters.

Here are links to some of those organizations.

Time is short. We only have until June 21 to make sure this initiative does not get on the Montana ballot. We MUST have the church, the hands and feet of Jesus here on earth, mobilized and united as one voice speaking out about this atrocity . The two Catholic Diocese of Montana have already set an example by presenting a united statement opposing CI 128 and placing informational material in each of their churches across our state. Here is a link to their statement.

Montana Catholic Bishops Video and letter on this issue: 


Sermon from the Helena Cathedral May 5 th , 2024: 


Finally, if you have congregants who have already signed a petition without realizing the full ramifications of this initiative, here is a form from the Secretary of State’s office they can use to rescind their signature. https://sosmt.gov/wp-content/uploads/Request-Withdrawal-of-Petition-Signature-Notary.pdf

It is no exaggeration when I say this very well could be the LAST opportunity the church has to stand for life in Montana.

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed”. Proverbs 31:8 NLT

Thank you for taking the time to learn about CI 128 and prepare to speak out.

For Life,

Sharon Nason, Chair

Prolife Montana



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